Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Donna Lee

Another day at Co-op, another day of life, another day of adventure.

This has gotta be short. Soooooooo, today I went to Coop, and opened, to the nice smell of fresh baked bread, and fresh roasted chickens.The shift was of the eight hour variety, and on my half hour, I enjoyed a refreshing bowl of cream of mushroom soup, and two peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Hunny buns was working later today also with an eight hour. hope that he enjoyed it.

Open jam ses tomorrow at Elliots... should be fun. Lots of new people that I havn't played with before/ not very much.

It was my sisters birthday today, and she got an iPod. I think she'll enjoy it. The cake was super good... more like pie, of the pecan variety, with half melted vanilla ice cream on the top. mmmmmmm, wholesome goodness...

Well, I had best be off, in order to get to bed, because have to be up early.

Peace, love jazz!

Until the next gig...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Robs Blues

Good evening all.

Another post, this one will however be quick.

So, today, I went to school to pay my fees, and get my picture taken. I look mostly stoned... kinda out there, and all that stuff that I look like in every picture that has ever been taken of me. Anyways, went home, kicked around for a bit, then mozied on down to work, where none of my friends were working, for six hours. Now... keep in mind that it's Warehouse sale week at Co-op, so a six hour shift feels more like a twelve hour shift... sucks. Not to mention that it was mostly new service clerks today, so nothing got done. Also, my last break was 45 mins late, which ticked me off, 'cause I really needed it. Oh well. On the bright side, I was bang on for the day, which made me happy, probably made the customers happy too. YAY Happy!

Sisters birthday tomorrow. I gotta leave in a few mins to go pick her up from some party she's at. Hope she likes the gift I got her... But in case she reads this... which I know she does, I won't mention what it is.

So, today was long, today will be longer... gotta get up at 6, to be at work for 8, work until 430, and then go for dinner with my familly. Well, at least I don't have eight hours of social homework like I did on my birthday, and on my moms. YAY.

Anyways, so not much else is new. I started writing some bios for this bands website... I think that they're pretty lame, but whatever. 'ol hunnybuns will be the judge of that. And that is my lifes story.

Anyways, I gotta go pick up my sis in her state of drunken madness, however unlikely that may be... anyways

Peace, love, jazz!

Until the next gig...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Giant Steps

Hello folks, and I hope you all enjoy my mostly pointless third entry.

So, I promised myself that I would not let this turn into a place for me to complain about things that are supposedly wrong in my life... but probably acctauly aren't, but, what ever.... three stubbs for teenage ainxt (I have absolutly no idea how to spell that)

Anyways, I feel really low right now... really, really really... oh well.. anyways.

In reference to the title, I just got back from BC, and that's about all I have to say about that, other then my golf scores have come way down, and I caught so many fish that I lost track of how many we brought in. After about 20 mins of not catching anything, Andrew and I both decided that we should reel in 'cause we had probably got hooked on weeds... Much to both of our surprise, we both had fish on, that had just been draging along for the whole time.

So, I listened to some "A Love Supreme" by Trane today, until my parents left the room because it was tooooooo much. So I turned it off, 'cause I was just trying to make a point. I worked for 4 hours today, and was one cent out, which is good, but not as good as ol' JJ, who was bang on...

I think tonight, is one of those nights, where well, ya know... you won't be able to sleep, even though you're really tired, just 'cause of the way you feel. Anyways.... oh well... maybe someday.

Just josh and I working tonight, nobody else that I know... sad, but, whatever... oh, and I need to call Michael to arrange that jam, and Bryan, and Robyn, and Josh, and Elliot, and Steve, and Andrea, knowing me, I'll probably end up trying to call myself.

And, for the record, I'm just talking for the sake of talking.

Also, listened to more Trane, some Ralph Bowen, and some Buddy Rich. All heros of mine.

Boy oh boy. I feel sosoooooooooooooo alone...

Anyways, I would go on, but, I should probably head somewhere in the vague direction of my bed, provided I don't fall down the stairs accidentaly.

I have to be up soooo early tomorrow, it's not even funny

Anyways. Peace, love, jazz!

Until the next gig!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Chasing the Bird

Good day all.

Welcome to my second post. Today was my last day at Co-op for one whole entire week! Yaya! It was probably one of the longest 6h shifts I have ever done, but I didn't have to cash-up, which is what counts. First shift that I ever got to hand the till to somebody else.... amazing. I'm supposed to go riding with Johann today, but I just tryed his cell a few seconds ago, and there is still no answer. Looks like I'm stuck here. Oh well. Nothing like a wholesome meal of smoked chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob, I think.... anyways, should be good.

In other news. Charlie Parker is God. In fact.... GOD. There we are... while that is still an understatement, I feel better.

I really want to see Bird again, 'cause it was a super amazing movie.... one of the few that almost had me in tears at the end... ('cause I'm that much of a girl) It was soooo sad. Oh well. I doubt anybody would watch it with me anyways. I'm not very fun when it comes to movies. Not to mention my terrible taste in film.

Tomorrow should be fun... wake up, eat the celebration breakfast of a lifetime (one might even say, the breakfast of champions) and then swing dance on over to Elliots, where we shall jazz it up like a preachers dog on a saturday barmitzfa (sp). Followed very closely by driving lesson number II, yikes... hope I don't kill anyone like last time. Then a lesson with Brent. Who, is also God.

Also for those of you who have no idea what on earth the basis for all my conversation is about... it's one word.... and it starts with "S".

and nobody save for Alex will ever know what that word is, because I accidentaly told him when I was in the Smoke Shop at work. And some of the band geeks might get it... :P

Also, on my last post, I forgot to mention Alex.

Alex is also one of my dear friends, who I occaisonaly dub "Napalm" of "Weed Man" or the newest one... "Alexé Magnus" Alex is very funny and always has the best stories.

Oh yes, and Erik as well... boy... I feel like an old person...
Erik is my riding buddy. He is possibly the best photographer I have ever met in my whole entire life... which is saying something, considering my dads a pro camera guy... I would say he's tied with my dad. Anyways, he takes the most amazing pictures. In fact if my computer wasn't so dumb, I think I may post some... Maybe... 'cause they're really cool.

Anyways... I had best be off to enjoy this spectacular dinner that my family has prepared.

Peace, Love, Jazz!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The legend of the three tenors

Good day to everyone who will ever bother to take time out of their days to read this... and welcome to my blog-like-thing. I have absolutly no idea why I am getting one, but... that doesn't matter for now.


Who is this you may ask... I like to call myself John... but that is not my real name. I am a person... contrary to popular belief... not the little green monster that so many people are familliar with. If you are wondering... yes, I do take the long way home.

My interests include music, biking, working at Co-op, trains, airplanes, my car named Wade, mowing the lawn, eating, Hornby island, fishing, and on occaision, playing video games, such as Halo, and Jedi kight II.

Favorite bands: Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Beatles, Miles Davis quintet, Dave Brubeck quartet, Oscar Peterson trio, Count Basie big band, Duke Ellington Orchestra, Charlie Parker septet, and then a whole bunch of other jazzers who never stayed in one band for very long... John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Sonny Stitt, Karl Roth, Thelonius Monk, John "Dizzy" Gillespie, and others, not to mention some new guys, like Pat Belliveau, Richard Harding, Gerry Hébert, John Hyde, Jeremy Brown, Tyler Hornby, Ralph Bushmeyer (sp), Ralph Bowen, PJ Perry, Vern Dorges (sp), Bill Mayes, The entire band: Terrain, along with Manic Thematic, and I'm sure that there are others that I'm just forgeting.

Anyways. Yes....

Friends: JJ "The Hair" Crowhurst (he know who he is) plays one mean jazz guitar.... and he helps me get through every day.
Elliot is a drummer, who can play anything you ask him to. We go to cafés and chat for hours. Its always awesome when he's around.
Adam: Jock supreme... very talented athlete, captain of football team and all that stuff. He's good to talk to 'cause he listens real good
Johann. Funniest guy that I know. Likes breaking the rules, but only for fun. He is a blast to hang around with.
Alistair: Trombone... or, French machine gun if you will... very british, and very funny. Also completly oblivious. He's awesome to talk to about sciences, and music. Very nice guy.
Stubbs.... the name says it all... it's been a while, but it was nice while we were still good friends... excelent bike mechanic
Steve... plays one mean bass... going on to study music, I hope. Really nice, and really funny.
Bryan is going to UBC to study trumpet. Super super good. Him and I used to always playfight before classes. He would almost always win. ahhh... good memories.
Everybody at Co-op

there are people who I'm sure I missed, and my appologies for that. but it is pretty spanking early in the morning. for me at least.
Also, those are just some of the awesome things about those people.

So yes

The word Byrd has many meanings to me... That of the animal, that of my favorite saxophonist, Charlie Parker, and that of the most amazing girl ever. she knows who she is. You may need these three definitions, as the word will most likely be used often, and should not be confused with the wrong deffinition. ya.... I miss her...

Anyways, here is where I leave you all!

Unitl the next gig!

Peace, Love, Jazz