Sunday, May 11, 2008


Well, it's over. January 28th 2007 to May 10th 2008. Andrea and I just broke up. We had a great run, and I must say that I have never had so much fun in my life. We saw a lot of things, went to a lot of concerts, been to a lot of places, talked about a lot of things. It was a really good relationship. The last few months were really rough, and basically I just couldn't take the constant fighting. I mean, I'm still in high school, and I just want to have fun. I don't want the good day to bad day ration being like, 1:100. I'm gonna miss her, but hopefully we can eventually get past the uncomfortable ex thing, but I know that that's going to take a long time... I mean, I'm still struggling to talk to hannah, and it's been three years. 

This breakup was the easiest though, and I mean that in the sense that I don't feel like there's a lot in suspension. We sat and talked for a long time afterwards, and tied up a lot of the loose ends. I don't feel like there's anything that neither of us don't know, and I like that feeling. 

She's going to do great things with her life... of that I am sure. I really hope that she will follow her dreams, and do all the cool stuff that she wants to do. And I'm sure that she'll find someone who will love her like she has never been loved before, and who she will love like never before. Hopefully we all will. 

I'm going to miss her, but at the same time, I just need some time to myself. I need some time to be single, some time to re-shape my own life, seeing as this school year took a bit of a toll on my values/morals/way of doing life. 

And to quote Neil Young:

"I was lying in a burned out basement,
With the full moon in my eyes.
I was thinking about what a friend had said,
And I was hoping it was a lie"

I'm gonna miss you Andrea, but thanks so much for the last 15 1/2 months... some of the best of my life!

Until the next gig,



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