Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some Skunk Funk

Hallose again!

I went for a walk today, and I realized that I haven't been outside for almost a month. like... really outside, where I'm breathing lots of fresh air - more that the amount you can inhale from the back door at work to the dumpster and back. I went out with Erik to the crescent, and walked for a long ways, and enjoyed the city lights. I love this weather. I like it nipping at my cheeks, but inside I'm totally warm. It's such a nice feeling. I like Erik, he's an awesome guy. He's great to talk to. All in all, it was a very good night once I got outside. Short work day today, and it was fun to see the stamps win the cup. I was surprised to be honest. 

I'm going to start doing stuff with my life again. I feel like I've become this complacent little fart who never does anything but work, eat, and sleep, with the occasional movie work thrown in there. I'm going to start going out to concerts and stuff like that again. I think that I'm going to start really getting to know myself as well. I sorta miss the days where I could please myself when I went out. I didn't need company or anything. I could just go for a walk, or go for coffee... Given, it's really nice to do all that with somebody else as well, but I think it's time for me to find out who I really want to be. All that I know is that I desperately don't want to have anything to do with my old high school self... I want to be confident, quiet, and subtle. I want to live a life of observation, followed by action, rather than the other way around. Efficiency would be a good way to describe it. 

As Maurice once said to me: Efficiency is lazy intelligence. Its' so true too. I like it. I liked Maurice, and I miss working with him. Sucks that he went to North Sea. Oh well. 

Work was so quiet today. It was kinda nice, 'cause I could get things done in an organized way, at my own pace. I felt good when the day was done. It'll be nice though.... tomorrow: 9 hour shift, followed by time spent with Steve. Steve rocks. It'll be nice to see him again, it's been a long while. 

But, for now, I must retire, for I do have to be at work early tomorrow. 

Ciaowsa for nowsa



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